It looks like I am cleaning my paws. XD
Here are the steps:
1. Click the left paw, a new layer will appear.
2. Click the top right paw. A another layer will come.
3. Then click the middle left paw. "Minecraft" Grass will appear.
4. Now click the middle layer. Flowers appear.
5. Click the candle. Sparklers will appear (Sadly, they are more fun in real life. I use a few about every month, my uncle is into dem).
6. Now click the top middle flower, a wolf will appear.
7. Now click the wolf's left eye. A bunny will appear.
8. Click the top left flower, the grass will become purple.
9. Now click the bunny. The "dirt" will become blue.
10. Click the bottom left paw, the animals will become phantoms.
11. Click the phantoms, they will eat the cake, explode, and then the cake will be back to the original size and colors.
I also Got a pet Sugar Glider! I named him Greenowl!
He is small, so he is pixelated, but ADORABLE!!!!
I got into the party, it is awesome!!
Here's just me!
Here's me with some buddies: Prettylightning6788, CamicaziHTTYD, and Moon5566!
These pauses. OMG! Best ones ever! I am looking to the Gods or something. Lightning is just...... Derp. Moon has no face! D:( And Camicazi looks like she is falling from the sky.
So... Pandas are returning! YAY! Fuzzy is SO MAD!!
Even Graham knows!
Well! Now you can transfer diamonds for diamonds in the Diamond Shop! There's a new armor. I WANT NEED IT! ME MUST GET DIAMONDS NAOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here it is:
I wouldn't be too crazy about it IF IT WASN'T MY BIRTHSTONE!!!!!!!!!! OR if it was the only armor me no haz.
As deh days of the carnival carnivals bai bai go down down, so do the prices. So know everything is 50% off at Walmart! Wait what? I mean the Summer Carnival.
AJ is now RICH of gold. The Egyptian Treasure set has come to Jamaa! Here it is:
I will never forgive AJ. They said it would be in JAM MART CLOTHING!!!!!!
Well that's all Jammers! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!
(That is catakell there)
- Junior Vonpaw
Better!! Welp, Bai!
PS: Sorry for the member locks and red tags, I did it on my storage, so I could stay at the party.